10 Safety Tips for Spring Break Travel with Kids

Wednesday, March 25, 2015
10 Safety Tips for Spring Break Travel with Kids

Ready to go on that long-awaited vacation with the kids? The National Crime Prevention Council (Home to McGruff the Crime Dog) and AlertID, the nationwide neighborhood safety network, will help you have a memorable trip by offering these 10 safety tips to help keep you and your family safe while on the road.

Before you leave:

1. Double check all points of entry to your home (including the garage) to make sure they are locked, and use your alarm system.
2. Entrust a spare key to a neighbor or family member so they can check on your place and pick up the mail.
3. Do not share the fact that you will be away from home on social media as burglars see this as an invitation.
4. Plan ahead by taking an updated photo of each child and note demographic information allowing to you to easily send the information to authorities immediately should you get separated.
5. Be aware of the area that you are visiting with AlertID’s free app. A map will show you alerts of sex offenders, crimes, and even severe weather in that area. You can use this information to make the decisions on how to keep your family safe.
While on the road:

6. Keep children with you at all times and strictly enforce a buddy system for older children, including designating a time and place to meet.
7. Always accompany and supervise children in public facilities, including restrooms.
8. Dress kids in bright colors that are easy for you to remember and recognize in a crowd in case you get separated.
9. Have a plan in case you become separated, including a pre-designated spot for everyone to meet. Remind children to remain in the area where they become separated.
10. Teach children to look for people who can help, such as law enforcement, a uniformed security officer, or a store salesperson.