Housing Hope and Master Builders Association

Friday, June 12, 2015
Housing Hope and Master Builders Association

The Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties and Housing Hope have partnered to build dreams for homeless and low-income families through the sale of newly constructed playhouses, garden houses, and birdhouses at the Sorticulture Garden Arts Festival this weekend, June 12-14.

This partnership combines the building expertise of the association with a Housing Hope fundraiser in its second year. According to Shannon Affholter, Executive Director of the Master Builders Association, “Housing Hope offers so many outstanding programs that help the communities of Snohomish County that we jumped at the opportunity to benefit those programs.”

Master Builders Association connected Housing Hope with Green Ally Construction, West Seattle Natural Energy and Dwayne Lane’s Family of Auto Centers, all of which were able to provide playhouses and a garden house for the silent auction. The starting bid for the houses will be $500, with a “Buy it Now” price of $2,875, or 15% above its value. The booth will also have several birdhouses and dog houses built and donated by community members.

All funds raised from sales will go towards the ChildHope Initiative. The Initiative is dedicated to helping homeless and low-income children achieve age appropriate development, pursue their potential and ultimately thrive in school and community. This is done through:
1. Child Specialist services that assess, engage, coach and connect families at Housing Hope housing sites,
2. Parent education classes at College of Hope,
3. Childcare at Tomorrow’s Hope Child Development Center focused on the special needs of homeless and low income children and parents, and
4. Housing and tailored support services for teen parents and their children at New Century Village

“Master Builders Association is the perfect partner for Housing Hope,” said Ed Petersen, Housing Hope CEO. Together we make our community a better place for all economic segments. We are excited to have them as partners for the Houses for Hope event at Sorticulture 2015 in Everett”.