Grant from the Wells Fargo Foundation

Monday, November 16, 2015
Grant from the Wells Fargo Foundation

Bethany of the Northwest Foundation is the recipient of a $2,500 grant from the Wells Fargo Foundation


The funds from the Wells Fargo grant will go directly to Bethany's "Dignity Project, which allows Bethany of the Northwest, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, to purchase goods and services that respect, honor, and provide for a better quality of life for Bethany's residents. 


Since 1931, Bethany has delivered state-of-the-art, multi-level supportive care and nursing services (including Alzheimer's and dementia care) designed to meet the physical, spiritual, social, and psychological needs of low-income elderly and disabled seniors in Snohomish County.  Bethany of the Northwest is the fourth largest not-for-profit long-term care provider in the State of Washington. With three Everett, Washington locations, we provide 231 beds for skilled and sub-acute nursing and 54 apartments for assisted living. With a staff of more than 400, and a large group of volunteers, people continue to look to Bethany to provide our residents with a life of independence, dignity, and purpose. It's the kind of care they want for their loved ones.


On behalf of the residents, volunteers, staff, and board members, thank you for your generous donation.


If you would like to donate, or learn more about Bethany of the Northwest, click to, contact Ken Hammond, Director of Development, at 425-551-6403, or email at