SNOHOMISH WASHINGTON NEWSPAPER | Thursday, January 23, 2025 | |||
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Published:2014-03-28 Other
CITIZENS HOLD STREET FUNDRAISER by: Rocky Twyman Americans helps foreigners who have disasters and now the time has come to help our own. We will specifically be calling on actor Russell Crowe and the producers of this great movie to donate some of the profits to help those American families who have been impacted by this horrific mudslide that reminds us of the impact of Noah’s food. We urge the media to place this event on your websites and announce on upcoming news shows. Great live shot possibilities since lines of people will begin to form early for this epic movie that has greater significance to the world. Our picket signs will read: Russell Crowe and Producers, Donate Some of Your Movie Profits to the American Mudslide Victims; Stop, Make a Check Donation to Help The Washington Mudslide Victims, Enjoy the Noah Movie; Enjoy the Movie Noah, But Donate Now; We Are at the End of Time, or This Movie Has Been Sent From Heaven to Warn Us That We Are in the Last Days, Mr. Crowe, Donate to the Mudslide Victim Today. Moviegoers will be asked to sign a Book of Hope for the Families of the Victim. By signing, they agree to pray at least three times a day for the victims and their families of this mudslide that resembles what happened during Noah’s flood. We expect from 8 to 10 prayer warriors to be present and picketing Russell Crowe and company. Concerned metro area residents and members of the Pray at the Pump Movement (PAPM) will proudly hold a street community fundraiser at the premiere DC showing of the movie Noah starring Hollywood Oscar winner Russell l Crowe for the Washington state victims of the terrible mudslide. Organizers say that the event reminds them of the upheaval that took place during the time of the Great Flood when large chunks of land were totally displaced. They will be accepting checks-no cash- for the Red Cross and for ADRA-Adventist Development Relief Agency that are both working hard to find relief for the victims and their families. PAPM also wants to use the occasion to inform the Washington metropolitan area that the world may be coming to an end. The Bible says that as it was in the days of Noah so will it be in the final days of this earth’s history. God’s word says that they were marrying and giving in marriage and involved in many sinful acts. Divorce rates in Hollywood and America are skyrocketing. The end time prophecies of Revelation are being fulfilled all around us on a daily basis-rise of the Catholic Church to power again-Obama and Pope meeting on the very day of the release of this movie; violent swings in the weather; cold heartedness towards the less fortunate by elected officials and other signs.
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