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Make that seven WA cities with local income tax ban![]()
Published:2021-09-09 State
Make that seven WA cities with local income tax ban ![]()
By Jason Mercier
Turns out the number of Washington cities with a local income tax ban is now up to seven. After posting my update on the Kennewick City Council adopting the local income tax ban resolution this week, I heard from a Moses Lake City Councilmember that his city also adopted a ban. He mentioned that since there wasn’t any press present at the meeting it didn’t receive any media coverage. Here is the local income tax ban resolution adopted by the Moses Lake City Council on August 24 (page 85 of council packet): "The City Council hereby declares its position that the imposition of a local income tax on the residents of the City of Moses Lake is prohibited and asks the Governor and our State Representatives to consider the will of the people. As such, the Moses Lake City Council will prohibit the imposition of a local income tax in the event a local income tax is determined legal and permissible by the Washington State Supreme Court or the Washington State Legislature." Discussing the importance for more cities to take similar local income tax ban actions, the Tri-City Herald editorial board wrote this week: “If enough individual communities rise up against just the idea of an income tax, perhaps lawmakers will stop trying to force the issue and instead focus on other tax reforms that would be more acceptable to the general public . . . Other cities should add momentum to this anti-tax drive, including Richland, West Richland, Pasco, Benton City, Prosser and Connell. The more who join in the message, the more forceful it will be.” Seven Washington cities have now acted to ban a local income tax including Battle Ground, Granger, Kennewick, Moses Lake, Spokane, Spokane Valley and Union Gap. Yakima voters this November will consider a charter amendment to make their city the eight to ban a local income tax. Other cities should do the same and signal to citizens and businesses that they will protect their economic competitive advantage by prohibiting the imposition of a local income tax.
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